Register product

Shopping-mall Management Manual

  • To add and edit product, click product management.
  • A.

    To add new product, click [Register product] button.

  • B.

    Search the registering product by [CS product search]

  • C.

    Search newly adding product in the shopping mall, then select.

    • I.

      Registering product can be done by CS program. The product registered in CS program will automatically interlock with the web-shopping mall. Therefore, to register product in shopping mall, firstly, the user need to register the product in the CS program.

    • II.

      So the product should be registered at CS program before uploading in shopping mall. Products that are not registered at CS program cannot be uploaded at online-shopping mall.

  • D.

    Set product’s basic information and able/disable setting.

    • ※ The yellow-highlighted categories will fill up automatically with the product information saved at CS program.
    • I.

      Input thumbnail(product image) through selecting image. Maximum number of image is five, select inserting image from image 1.

    • II.

      이미지 첨부 후, 상품상세 정보에 상품에 대한 설명문과 상품에 관한 주의사항 등을 입력할 수 있습니다. 오른쪽의 사진버튼을 통해 이미지를 삽입할 수 있습니다.

  • E.

    Enter delivery/return information.

    • This is a statement that will be shown to the customer on delivery/return. If you insert the desired text or image and save the goods, the goods registration will be completed. In delivery/return information, You can use management menu, default setting to write common contents for delivery information, check and save ‘apply default contents’ to show what you writed.
    • I.

      If you have anything specific about your return or product you registered, please check ‘apply separate delivery/return information’, and fill out separate fields for registration.

  • A.

    The user can edit product in product list. Select the product that will be edited, then click edit.

  • B.

    To edit product, click [Edit product] button and check the editing product’s information. Then click [Edit CS product] button. Then interlock the product which is registered at CS program.

    • I.

      First, edit product information at CS program, then re-load the product in web.

    • II.

      If the user modify information except for the yellow-highlighted field information (name of the product, price, PV, etc.) but to edit image or product details, the user can skip interlock step.

  • C.

    Check edited product’s primary information, price, image and etc. then click [Save] to save.